Righteousness by Faith

GOD. He beheld sin, lived amongst sinners, yet was without sin. He chose not to sin; what about you? Living amongst sinful men and women as the man Jesus Christ, God was tempted, but He did not fall. Today, if you will have faith in Jesus, He will help you overcome sin. Even in this cesspool of sin, you can emerge victorious!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

14/11 Tuesday: Free Bible Study Course

Bible Study Correspondence Course

Suitable for ages 12 and up

Too stressed-out to do pen-and-paper lessons? Too lazy to read a book? Tired of the theological garbage people throw at you? Want a simple and straightforward presentation of Bible truths?

Use DISCOVER Online, a series of 20-odd Bible Study Guides offered by the Adventist-sanctioned Voice of Prophecy Intl. Radio Broadcasters. This correspondence course is offered free-of-charge, no strings attached. An answer sheet follows each lesson; complete one to go on to the next lesson. Your answers will be marked by real (human!) teachers, so don't expected computer-generated responses to your open-ended answers!

DISCOVER Online is really personal, and lets you learn at your own pace. It is saturated with Bible verses, so you can check out each and every claim with Scripture.

You will be given a personal account upon registration; you will be prompted to create a unique username and password after you complete your 1st lesson and submit it for marking. It's all done online -- very easy!

Begin your first lesson now at:

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